Meet the Founder

The East Charlotte Area Patrol was founded by Brian K. Lutes in the summer of 2009 as the Stonehaven Community Patrol.

Brian became a resident of the Stonehaven Community in the fall of 2006 and immediately felt at home in the well established neighborhood with its beautiful tree-lined streets and exceptionally friendly residents.

Brian graduated from the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Academy through the Criminal Justice Training Center at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, where he qualified as “expert” on the firing range and attained an overall score of 92%, earning certification to serve as a police officer from the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers Education & Training Commission.

Following graduation from the Academy, Brian served two separate municipalities as a police officer. In both communities, Brian was named “Officer in Charge” and went on to serve as a Deputy Pennsylvania State Constable.

While working in law enforcement, Brian received several letters of commendation and thanks from law enforcement agencies, elected officials, and private citizens for assistance rendered in the line of duty.

In addition, he has testified before the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee, served on an advisory panel to study the feasibility of creating county wide police departments in Pennsylvania, led presentations for the elected leaders of small municipalities considering establishing local police departments, participated in panel discussions on the proper role of law enforcement agencies in a free society sponsored by civic organizations, and authored several articles and opinion pieces that have appeared in newspapers and on web-sites.

In addition to his law enforcement training and certification, Brian holds a Certificate, Diploma, and Degree in Criminal Justice Technology as well as a Certificate in Paralegal Technology from the South Piedmont Community College.

In 2010, Brian received the Citizen Service Award from from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department for his efforts in establishing and operating the East Charlotte Area Patrol.

Brian is a firm believer in limiting the role of government in the everyday lives of Americans and that the oath to “Support, Obey and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and Domestic” taken by all law enforcement officers, elected officials, and military personnel, is second only to the oath to obey God in everything we do in this world.

Today, Brian works as an independent criminal paralegal and operates a news & information web-site for law enforcement officers in addition to operating the Patrol.

Published on September 2, 2009 at 4:36 pm  Comments (8)  

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Thank you for performing this service for the Queens Grant neighborhood. We live at 1701 Redcoat Drive.


    • No thanks needed. It’s just neighbors looking out for neighbors.


  2. I don’t know If I said it already but …Hey good stuff…keep up the good work! 🙂 I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,)

    A definite great read..Jim Bean


  3. Brian,

    Thank you very much for the time & effort that you put forth to maintain The Stonehaven Community Patrol. By doing this you have empowered the community and given them a goal that is now within reach. They all want to strive to gain and maintain a SAFE Neighborhood.


    • Thank you for these very kind words and support of our efforts.


  4. Thank you for your good work in ridding our public parks of gay and bisexual (married men) who (by the thousands/all over America) are doing their illegal best to turn our public parks into gay sex brothels…


  5. I had a question, and have received various answers. Under NC law, may a citizen detain a person who has been trespassed from private property and the person violates the trespass warning? May they be detained lawfully until police arrive as a “breach of peace”?


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